Monday, 28 January 2013

Fighting for a legacy

Luol Deng Great Britons number 1 Basketball player wrote a letter to the prime minster that he received today stating his disguste at the funding cut GB Basketball received from UkSport in the build up to Rio 2016. Deng stated he refused to sit back and watch that legacy for basketball be demolished. This is a well timely letter as GB Basketball will be presenting to the reversal board of UkSport to have their funding reversed.

I wrote a couple of months ago about my own personal disgust about the funding cut basketball received and I'm over the moon that such a public figure and a world wide star is standing up for this great sport. During the build up and after the Olympics we heard this word legacy mentioned so much and I'm glad someone is defending it rather than just giving it lip service. I understand UKSports no compromise approach and I believe it is probably the best way such a small country can maximise its medal count.

I do believe though that UKSport needs to recognise the opportunity they have in front of them. I would argue that the interest in sports like Basketball and Handball is currently at there highest following the Olympics. UKSport needs to use this opportunity and allow them to grow because in the future these could he serious medal opportunities for us. Building upon the legacy for these sports created by the Olympics. I'm also aware that there is no endless pot of money but my argument would be those sports that have had success do they need their funding increased or just maintained, surely success breads success without the input of extra millions of pounds.

I hope Deng's letter creates a stir and something is done to balance out this great injustice. Wednesday is going to be a crucial day for GB Basketball and the direction it takes for the next four years and beyond.

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